Thursday, January 20, 2011

Signs you know your husband is "Unique"

1. He has a collection of t-shirts that include sayings such as "I love to fart" and "4 out of 3 kids can't do math."
2. He carries an actual hunk of chocolate in his pocket to nibble on to keep himself awake at certain activities.
3. He thinks it's perfectly acceptable to shower and snuggle with his pet parrot who bites him at any random moment.
4. Napping anywhere from 6-8pm it perfectly acceptable.
5. He thinks romance is a section of books at the library.
6. Instead of signing birthday/Christmas/special event cards, he just stamps them with a rubber stamp he had made that says, "Happy birthday, Steve."
7. He changes everyone's names to have a "Roy" at the end. For example, I am "Elenroy."
8. He has a subscription to "The Onion" newspaper.
9. He eats toast, powdered donuts,etc in bed with no plate.
10. When he sees his sisters, he kisses each of their arms up and down.
11. He clips his eyebrow hairs over the toothbrush holder.
12. He has every color of Converse sneakers.
13. He has severe anxiety if his computer is not at his side at all times.
14. In his spare time, he records himself reading short stories and emails them to people.
15. He coined the phrase "SB" -- don't ask.
16. He adores monkeys.
17. He thinks I snore. He must be crazy, right?
18. He cooks meat in his solar oven.
19. Cream can be used as a substitute for milk when on vacation.
20. He corrects your grammar during every conversation. "Never end a sentence in a preposition."

I sure do love the guy! He is certainly one-of-a-kind!


V.I.C.K.I. said...

What a crazy guy! You must have a riot everyday at your house! LOL!

Melissa said...

I love this Auntie!